Sunday, September 18, 2005
Generosity and Adventure

Who says you can't combine good deeds with adventure? That is Deena and Kristy on the left. The pretty dog in the blue harness is their girl "Baby". That little scruffy little dark face peeking up above the box between them is "Cypress" now named "Ranger".
We received an email from this family earlier in the week asking if we needed donations for any animals we might be getting in from the Gulf Coast. Of course we would be delighted to get some supplies. Then we found out they were coming down all the way from Southern Oregon! Wow, what dedication.
They made a family road trip out of it, and on Thursday morning they pulled up with a truck and Uhaul trailer full of bedding, litter, food, toys, and even protective clothing for the staff who would be handling the "storm" animals.
"Ranger" is a puppy we had here at the shelter who after being introduced to this family decided that Oregon might make a great new home. Kristy and Deena came down with much needed donations and went home with a new buddy for "Baby".
Big thank you Kristy and Deena and all their friends who put together this wonderful donation. We wish them all the best in welcoming their new addition, Ranger!