Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Help Save 60 Kittens!

Why do kittens need foster care?
They need foster care until they are two months old and weigh 2 lbs. That is the minimum weight at which it's safe for us to spay or neuter them, and we cannot place them up for adoption until they have been altered.
To foster kittens, follow this link to see what would be required of you.
I am holding impromptu foster orientations on Friday (9/2) at 4 PM and Saturday (9/3) at 1 PM at our Oakland location (8323 Baldwin St.) to help place as many of the 60 kittens as we can. Only one of these training sessions is required, and then you'd be ready for kittens. If you are ready to take kittens right away, I can have a litter in our shelter waiting for you and hopefully, together, we can save as many kittens as possible.
For more information about fostering kittens, check out the foster section of our web site or contact me with questions. If you would like to attend either orientation this week, please RSVP to Blythe Milbury-Steen, Foster Coordinator, at 510 563-4632 or bmilburysteen@eastbayspca.org and let me know if you could take kittens right after your orientation.