Thursday, September 01, 2005
Pit bulls: Who would have thought it?

Two more dogs are getting adopted from Pit Bull Hall this week. Zito and Summer bring the total to 5 adoptions (or foster to adopt) in 6 weeks. Which is pretty damn good considering most pit bulls that we have had are with us for at least 4 months.
When one of them goes to their forever fome this weekend, Selkie, my BADRAP foster dog, gets to join the hall. There, she will be socialized, trained and exercised daily by the wonderful BADRAP volunteers. I've learned a lot about pit bulls since I've had her. People stop and stare. People cross the street to see her or to avoid her. People ask me what kind of pit bull she is. People want her to mate with their dog. People can't believe she is such a cuddle bug.
I've also learned more about testing pit bulls for the correct temperament. TR and DR tested dogs in a city shelter this week, made their choices and then had me do the same. I was proud to have made the "right" choices. I never thought I would have said this, but testing pits is different than testing other dogs.
Anyway, I'm going to learn how to do a homecheck next. And hopefully, soon, after the right person comes to meet her, I'll be able to do a homecheck for Selkie's forever home.
Pit bulls: Who would have thought it?