Thursday, December 29, 2005
I am ready for the challenge.
I'm taking my second Pit Bull Hall foster dog to her new home today.Cleo arrived about 6 weeks ago from Oakland Animal Services. She was just one of many pit bulls and pit bull mixes at the shelter that day, but BADRAP reps knew she was special. They also knew, I could handle her. You see, I like calm, low key dogs. Dogs that sleep away half the day. Dogs that don't jump up on you and lick you to death. Dogs that act like cats. And boy did BADRAP pick me a winner.

After the temperament test, I took her to the shelter for a bath and shots. She was spayed two days later and then spent the next week and a half at my house. Most foster dogs with BR need more time than that, but she was so easy, she moved into the "the hall" when there was an opening.

She stayed there just over a month, but was having some trouble in the kennels. (Some dogs do.) She was going to be moved into another foster home, but then two applications came in for her. I took her home again while we waited to see if one would pan out. Sure enough, a lovely couple from Portola Valley met her and wanted her. They also liked sweet, calm dogs. She spent the holidays with another Badrapper since I had to go out of town and then came home with me again for her last few days.

I've fostered two dogs for BADRAP and seen about 12 pit bulls come in to the hall and get adopted. Each one is amazing. From Mikey the first to Jonny Sue who is going home next, they all have a unique story and happy ending. 12 pit bulls may not seem like a lot, but considering the shelters are crowded with rows and rows of unwanted pit bulls and adoptions are incredibly rare, it is no small miracle these dogs have found good, no, great homes.
I look forward to the continuing partnership with BADRAP as we move into 2006. Not only will more pit bulls find their forever homes, but we are going to work hard to pull off 4 more shot fairs targeting communities with overpopulation issues, track statistics from the counties on pit bulls, get more owners to take advantage of Pit Fix, teach many pit ed and other pit related classes, create presentations for local schools, and even put on a pit ed camp for shelters workers looking to learn more about pits.
It's an exciting time as we look to reducing the number of pit bulls entering shelters in our communities and therefore reduce the number needlessly dying. I am ready for the challenge.